Friday, June 5, 2009



Moon Chants - June 2009 Issue - Circ. 29,031

Midsummer Magic

Greetings Friends & Clients!

Welcome to Moon Chants June 2009. It's summer, and for most, summer represents freedom, relaxation and connecting with nature. But there's something VERY special about the Month of June!

The two most magickal months of the year are June and October. Any psychic reading performed during this month is naturally clearer with the strongest, most vivid images possible! And any spell cast during the month of June is naturally super-powered with a special triple power on the night of the Solstice.

The specials listed later in this Newsletter are super-powered, triple-powered and crystal clear! If you've been waiting to take action, NOW is the time!

But first . . . Some Fun Stuff.

Guardian Angels
FQ Mino

When a person loses somebody close to them they find solace in the idea of the deceased person returning to them in the form of a guardian angel
. People find it comforting to think that a deceased person can return to them as a spirit or body that watches over them.

Some people feel that their guardian angel can help protect them from harm. Other people find it comforting to think that their deceased loved one is still with them as a step of the mourning process.

Some people have been so desperate as to try and communicate with their guardian angel that they contemplated the usage of a Ouija board. This was a very dangerous practice to participate in. This is because the spirits contacted with the use of a Ouija board are far from "angelic".

The spirits contacted with a Ouija board are usually precarious and malevolent. Usually spirits contacted via a Ouija board are entities from the thresholds of hell. These are not friendly or well meaning spirits in any way. Grieving people, desperate for a sign from their deceased loved one, may be more susceptible to the game of the Ouija board. Advanced warning about the evils of this device can help save a few misdirected people.
In order to effectively contact their guardian angel, people need to be in a stage of human development where they are capable of coming to terms with the idea of enhancing their lives in a psychic fashion. People cannot want a psychic enhancement for negative reasons. This can attract the wrong attention from the spirit world.

In order to attract the attention of their guardian angel , people need to not only have a desire to learn
about their psychic growth, they need to do it respectfully. If this can be accomplished people will be able to obtain a strong connection with their guardian angel.
This connection will be the most beneficial type. It will be a connection of love, peace, understanding, and respect. Most importantly, it will be a connection of healing. The presence of a guardian angel can be soothing to a heart in need.

The idea of a guardian angel can be soothing to an injured heart because it provides a person with an entity that can help guide them in various facets of life, as well as offer protection if danger were to strike. Guardian angels often arrive when a person feels an urgent need to have them visit.

Guardian angels have a dual duty job. Their job is to make sure people can handle aspects of their physical life in conjunction with that of their spiritual life. The role of the guardian angel is to also enable people to make positive decisions in life.

The guardian angel is the voice people talk to before making this important decision. The guardian angel can also be the voice of your conscience. Guardian angels respect people and because of this they like to encourage people to experience as much as possible in life. This is because people learn more from experience than merely reading books.

Guardian angels labor just like human beings do, though the jobs are different. The main role of a guardian angel is to encourage people to embrace life. Guardian angels will mend a hurting heart if it means one more person will be able to see all the splendor that is life!

Disclaimer: The below article is meant to inform you about the religion of Wicca and old Celtic Traditions. Autumn Mist is not pagan but follows and practices Celtic Catholicism which incorporates the Wheel of the Year in a Christian fashion.

Witch's Sabbets
Rose A.

Witchcraft/Wicca is a positive, earthy religion, which celebrates Life and Nature in dedication of the Goddess and God. The Goddess is symbolized by the moon and is often referred to as the Triple Goddess - Maiden, Mother and Crone. The 12 to 13 Full Moons of the Year are celebrated during the Esbats, which are in a way, lesser Sabbats.The God is symbolized by the Sun. The movement of the sun through the heavens manifest in seasonal changes. This movement is symbolized as a wheel by Witches/Wiccans and referred to as the Wheel of the Year. The interaction between the Goddess and God is celebrated at eight specific points on the Wheel. Four of the celebrations correspond with the two equinoxes and the two solstices. The four remaining celebrations each honor a figurative phase of Nature and the associated festivities can be traced back to time immemorial on many parts of the globe. These eight celebrations are called Sabbats.The Sabbats are days of power. They tell a tale of the Goddess and the God and how Their interaction affects us on earth.Yule (+/- 21 December)Yule marks the Winter Solstice and the shortest day of the Year. It is at this time when the Goddess gives birth to the God. As the God is symbolized by the Sun, this celebration also marks the rebirth of the Sun. From the 21st of December, the days gradually start growing in length as the God gains strength, each day passing marking one day closer to the bounty of spring. This day reminds Witches/Wiccans that the ultimate product of Death is Re-birth - a comforting and joyous occasion indeed.Imbolc (2 February)The Goddess has recovered from giving Birth to the God. The God too has developed into a young, lively Boy. As the rays of the Sun linger increasingly longer on the recovered Earth, Life gradually starts re-awakening. It is a time of new beginnings, a time to renew old commitments, a time to cleanse your spirit and your surroundings, and ultimately a time to start afresh.Ostara (+/- 21 March)Ostara coincides with the Spring equinox and marks the beginning of Spring. This is also the day when light and darkness are of equal length. The Goddess is clad in all Her finery and the God, as He moves through Nature, leaves trails of green in His wake. At this time the Goddess and God are aware of one another and Their ability to procreate through union, an awareness that culminates in consummation at Beltane. Now is a time to tend your garden, to nurture the seedlings that germinated from the seeds you planted - both spiritually and physically.Beltane (+/- 30 April)The God has reached Manhood. The God and the Goddess fall in love and consummate their Union. The Goddess becomes pregnant of the God. During Beltane, Witches/Wiccans will celebrate by dancing around a Maypole during festivities. The pole is symbolic of the God (phallic symbol), whilst the greenery and ribbons are symbolic of the Goddess. During Beltane, Witches/Wiccans celebrate the fertility of Nature.Litha (+/- 21 June)Litha marks the Summer Solstice. It is the longest day and the shortest night of the year. The Goddess and God now rule the earth in union. The Goddess is pregnant, signifying the abundance and plenty now on earth. The Sabbat also indicates the turning point of the year. Until Yule, the light will gradually fade, giving in to darkness. Litha is not a time for reflection though. For Witches/Wiccans it is time to celebrate and make merry as though there is no tomorrow.Lughnasadh (1 August)Lughnasadh marks the first harvest. Now is the time when the plants and trees drop their seed both to ensure future crops and to provide us with food for the rest of the summer and perhaps even the winter months to come. The God's power is waning and the Goddess realizes that He is approaching death. Yet inside Her, she carries His seed thus ensuring that He will live on. For Witches/Wiccans it is a time to remember the bounty of the earth and understand that the Universe is constantly changing, always in flux.Mabon (+/- 21 September)Mabon is the second harvest and marks the Fall Equinox. As at Ostara, the day and the night are of equal length. The God is busy dying. The earth is withdrawing its bounty as each day passes, preparing for rest. For Witches/Wiccans, Mabon is a time of preparation. It is a time of taking stock and a time to find some balance again.Samhain (31 October)The Witches/Wiccans bid the God farewell as He dies and enters the Underworld. Their farewell is however only temporary as He is awaiting rebirth to the Goddess again at Yule. At Samhain, the veil between the realms of Life and Death is at its thinnest. In celebrating Samhain, Witches/Wiccans celebrate those loved ones that have crossed over to the Realm of Death. It is a time, when Witches reflect on the year gone by and come to terms with the one constant in Life, namely Death.True Wiccans/Witches honor the eight Sabbats as these are days of both real and symbolic power. Celebrating the Sabbats is an important aspect and an integral part of the Wiccan/Witch's way.

Herbal Magick
Victor E.

Cassia: More commonly known in the United States as cinnamon, the scent of this herbal spice improves concentration. It can be used as an anointing oil or incense. Medicinally, it warms the body and strengthens the circulation. It can serve as an anti-viral or anti-bacterial. Chamomile: Often used in day to day life as a calming tea, this herb can be used for dream work including the avoidance of nightmares. It can be used in love spells and in amulets or talismans meant to draw money. Midsummer celebrations often include chamomile. Cinquefoil: This herb is used in love and protection spells, dream work and divination. It is often used in Midsummer celebrations. It can be used in bath water to encourage dream work or put into a dream pillow. For the other uses, it can be burned as an incense. Coriander: Commonly found in the kitchen's spice rack, coriander can also be used as an incense promoting concentration. In spell work, it can be used in love or prosperity spells. It is also believed to have some healing properties. Costus root: If you come across a spell requiring musk and are a vegan, the cotus root can serve as a replacement. It can be used in love and elemental spells since it is good for clarity and acts as an aphrodisiac. There are rumors that it can act as a narcotic when smoked but it isn't recommended. Damiana: This plant is usually used in love spells since it is an aphrodisiac for both sexes. It can also be used as a love talisman or amulet. Dogbane: This herb is thought to be a creativity enhancer and can be used in love spells or divination work. In medicine, it is used in a tea for treating high blood pressure and depression. It can also act as a diuretic or sedative. Fennel: A common cooking herb and tea ingredient, fennel can be used as a stimulant or in spells for courage, fertility or protection. It is thought to increase concentration and memory. Fireweed: As its name would suggest, fireweed does well in spells involving fire. It can also be used in rituals that seek to heal the spirit after some sort of transformation. Galangal: Similar to ginger in taste, galangal is an aphrodisiac ripe for sexual spells. It can also be used in a satchel or amulet for protection. The smell is pleasant and it won't draw negative attention to you if carried around. Goat's Rue: This herb can be used in binding spells or put in a tea to ward off fatigue. It can be used as a diuretic or to clear up a bladder infection.Grains of Paradise: Place bags containing this herb near the doors to your home for protection or carry it in an amulet for personal safety. It can also be used in charms that are used for sexual attraction. Hops: Best known for being an ingredient of beer, hops can be used under the pillow to ward off insomnia.

Lucid Dreaming
William E.

Lucid Dreaming is a term coined by Frederik van Eeden. Very simply put, a dream in which you are aware that you are dreaming is called a Lucid Dream. The term 'lucid' is thus synonymous with 'conscious' or 'aware'. But the degree of your 'lucidity' can vary according to the strength of your conscious focus and its stability, the presence of the critical faculty and memory ability, and finally, your ability to take control of the dream itself.

Similar to Astral Projection, Lucid Dreams can be spontaneous or intentional experiences, yet they are somewhat more commonly remembered. Sometimes people become lucid in a dream seemingly without any particular reason, just suddenly realizing that they are dreaming. But mostly, lucidity is triggered by an incongruity which would not occur in physical life, such as flying, or being unable to turn off a light switch, or words rearranging themselves, or anything that 'cannot' happen in the physical world.

The great thing about Lucid Dreaming is that once you recognize you're inside a dream, you can change or create whatever you like in the dream. By becoming aware and exercising your will to choose, you get to experience just what you want to experience! Consider that for a moment. Not many people ever get a chance like that, certainly not so easily. It really is your own 'Personal Virtual Reality', with a flexibility and realism far exceeding the most advanced computer simulation.

I think this is best thing about them - you can do anything in a Lucid Dream. And I mean anything! There are no limits or boundaries to your experience as there are in the physical world, nor is there any time delay to what you create - everything appears virtually instantly as you desire it. I'm not sure how else to describe this but to say it's very fulfilling and freedom engendering. And really really really fun!

This deeply satisfying aspect of these experiences may be partly why the Astral Plane has also been called the 'Desire World.' And because dreams take place within the Astral Plane, by becoming lucid we find we are already in the Astral! If and when we want to 'project' from a Lucid Dream, we just stop creating stuff, make it all disappear, and try to see what's there. We may find ourselves exploring or interacting with other conscious dreamers or projectors on the Astral. Or we can return to our bedroom for an instant Etheric Projection.

Another huge point that needs to be made is that dreams are totally realistic to us when we're experiencing them. It is only upon later reflection we may call an experience 'just a dream'. All our senses, emotions, thoughts, feelings in a dream are as though the dream were 'actually' happening. It is! It's not less real, it's just more dynamic and fluid. And, when we become lucid, we usually find the acuteness and sensational aspects of the experience increase many times over, similar or beyond peak alertness while awake.

"Some dream events are more vivid than waking ones. It is only when the personality passes out of the dream experience that it may seem unreal in retrospect." - Seth, Seth, Dreams and Projections in Consciousness p.219
And now for the real good news: you can induce Lucid Dreams too. One of these techniques is almost exactly the same as projection ones. In this case the difference in name is merely a technicality. But most Lucid Dreaming techniques involve learning to 'wake up' within a normal dream, at which point you decide what to do from there. There are a number of ways of doing this, some more effective than others, but I've made it my quest to explore and improve on them all.

Lucid Dreams can happen whenever regular dreams happen, and there are typically around four or five major dream periods in a single night, and each period can contain multiple dreams. So there is plenty of opportunity to make the most of our dreams. It's actually quite hard to describe the sense of wonder that comes with Lucid Dreams! But okay, you convinced me, I will try...
To you - the self in the dream - the dream IS real, simply because that IS the 'reality' you are in. But at the same time you 'know' you are 'dreaming'. From that inside perspective, it is your waking life that can seem like some kind of vague dream! It's truly only a matter of perspective or focus as to what is 'more' or 'less' real at any particular time.

To use an analogy, it is as if you hold both hands out wide: one hand is your waking self and one hand is your dreaming self. If you turn your head and shift your focus from one hand to the other and back, is either 'less real'? No way - both exist simultaneously. You remember the 'opposite' exists, but you are simply not focused there. Just as both hands are 'yours', your waking and dreaming selves are both 'you'.

By learning to dream with lucidity, we are blending our waking self and dreaming self identities in a way that will enrich the experience of both. We bring an ability to focus better consciously in the dream world and our creative abilities surface far more easily in waking life. And in the process we explore many new ideas and have a whole heap of fun!

Funny as it might sound, you can 'induce' a spontaneous Astral Experience. To do this you need to fill your mind up with Astral Projection and Lucid dreaming information by reading about it, thinking about it, discussing it. Some advocate becoming obsessed by these subjects to do this (I do not however. From experience I can say this information overload was more of a setback than a help. Concise quality information is a far better option. Meaning this course of course. :-) But basically by this you are just suggesting and prompting your subconscious to induce an experience during or after sleep, and there are far more effective techniques for doing this too.

In the end, intellectual knowledge only helps so much. Both Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming are things you DO, and get better at. They involve intentional active practices, like learning to play an instrument or a sport. Knowing about something is not the same as experiencing it. You can't become an expert by studying the Astral second-hand, any more than you can become a violinist by reading music. Real results are achieved by the right attitude and actually using the techniques you learn.


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June Specials

With Triple the Clarity and Triple the Power!

Specials are offered through the Month of June, unless otherwise stated.

Psychic Reading Specials

Charity Days - June 10 & June 24

$25 Per Question by Email
100 Percent of the proceeds goes straight to
St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital
Do NOT send payment to me via Pay Pal.
For this service only, please donate directly to the hospital (click here), email me the receipt with your donation and your question or questions, and I will respond accordingly.
Answers approximately 100 words per question.
Turn around time 24 to 48 hours.

To purchase any service listed below, please send payment via Pay Pal to

Live Lucky 7

June 7th - Live Online Chat Session
Up to 60 Minutes for $100
Five Slots Available on a First Come, First Serve Basis!

Soul Mate Reading

This reading tells of three specific soul mates in extreme detail. Backgrounds, careers, locations, ages, current situations, interests, personalities, characters, full name and more! Approximately 1,200 words by email.

Questions for June

Unlimited Questions by email through the month of June. The answers will be one to four sentences but you may ask as many as you like throughout the entire month. Turn around time for each question is 48 hours.

Angel Reading

Special Reading by Angel Oracle Board. Receive guidance and answers from the Heavenly Realm.

Live Online Chat (30 Minutes) ~ $100
Email - Up to five questions (approx. 500 words) - $50

Spell/Psychic Packages

Magickal June Moon Love Package

*A Special Love Card Reading to fully address all aspects of love. Up to 10 questions answered in detail. Approximately 1,200 words.
*A Powerful Love Spell to address any matter of love! Spell is cast three nights in a row.

Magickal June Moon Money Package

*A Special Tarot Reading to successfully guide you on budgeting, career or business advancements and long-term investments. Up to 10 questions answered in detail. Approximately 1,200 words.
*A Powerful Money Spell to address any avenue of financial success! Spell is cast three nights in a row.

Midsummer Crystal Bundle

*A Crystal Ball Reading to clarify the past, give perspective on the present and guide you to the future. Up to five questions answered; approximately 800 words.
*A Crystal Wish Luck Spell for luck in a chosen area!

Sparkling Starlight Spiritual Special

A Spiritual or Mediumship Reading performed by Fire and Water Divination. Up to five questions answered; approximately 800 words.
A Spiritual Spell for cleansing and renewal.

Spells & Enchantments

Full Moon June Power Spell

Triply cast on the night of the full moon (June 7), this is a special power spell for one solid goal. It will be naturally boosted for fast results. The full moon will not be this powerful again until the month of October.
Any goal addressed!
Five Slots Available on a first come, first serve basis.
Email as soon as possible for availability!

Time EnchantmentTM

This is a special Time Enchantment that is a super power booster to be used if you've cast or had a spell cast on your behalf within the past 60 days. It will add power to the original casting for quicker, permanent results.

Time EnchantmentTM

This is a special Time Enchantment that is a super power booster to be used if you've cast or had a spell cast on your behalf within the past 120 days. It will add power to the original casting for quicker, permanent results.

Midsummer Love Reconciliation Enchantment

Extremely powerful love spell cast for seven nights in a row. This spell draws on spiritual and universal strength to assist you in reconciling with the man or woman you love. Difficult cases welcomed!

Eternal Bewitchment BindingTM

Triple powered for fast, permanet results. Please click on the name for details. Two slots available at $6,000 on a first come, first serve basis. This rate may never be repeated. Please email me as soon as possible if you're interested.

~~ One of the two most powerful times of the year is Summer Solstice, June 20/21. Any magick performed during this time is naturally triple powered, the strongest (with Samhain) of the year. The following spells will be cast during the Night of the Solstice. There are limited slots available. ~~

Fire Love Enchantment

This Spell is dripping with power and will enduce love at my command. It is designed for any matter of the heart, no matter what the level of difficulty. Several obstacles could come down with this type of spell so that you could finally be with the one you love. It works well with previous castings and pulls on the energy of the Solstice for the most incredible power possible.
Three Slots Available on a first come, first serve basis!
If you're interested, email me as soon as possible.

Solstice Fire Enchantment

This spell is dripping with power and will enduce three powerful wishes at my command, **no matter what the level of difficulty. Several obstacles could come down with this type of spell so your dreams could finally come true. Wish for love, money, justice, weight loss, success - any three things. It works well with previous castings and pulls on the energy of the Solstice for the most incredible power possible.
Three Slots Available on a first come, first serve basis!
If you're interested, email me as soon as possible.

**Reasonable requests only.

Free Proof of Casting is Available through audio tape for a S&H charge of $25. This option is available to US residence only and not available for the Eternal Bewitchment BindingTM.

To purchase any of the above services, please send payment via PayPal to

Please email me for availability or with any questions!

Special prices made possible due to donations from Anonymous Rosie, William Bane, Debbie McVey, Susanna Richardson and David R. Thank you!

A full Newsletter with Specials will be released July 1.

Have a Blessed & Safe Summer!

Always stay true to your ancestors by honoring your heritage!

Remember to watch your children while they're playing outside or in swimming pools. NEVER leave them unattended!

Remember to keep your dogs and cats indoors during this hot summer season!

Please give to
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital!

Moonlight Enchantments received the Royal Holland Silver Award for the second year in a row for outstanding professionalism, high business ethics and accuracy and proficiency in services!

Serving Clients Via The World Wide Web Since 2004!

Copyright © 2004 - 2009 Moonlight Enchantments LLC.All Rights Reserved.Reproduction is Strictly Prohibited!Any violation of my copyrights, trademarks or patents will result in prosecution and/or fine.Trademark applies to Spell Names, Reading Names, Item/ProductNames & Store/Business Names (Moonlight Enchantments and Stairway To Magick! Copyright applies to text wording! Patent applies to type of services and products.Moonlight Enchantments LLC is owned and operated by 5-star, internationally-known psychic/author, Autumn Mist.Must be 18+ to receive services or products.Legal Disclaimer/To Practice Internationally:The Law States We Must Add That Our Services And Products Are For Entertainment PurposesOnly. We Are A Spiritual Business, And Spiritual Services And Products Are Open To YourOwn Personal Interpretation. We are not responsible for any direct or indirectdecisions or actions of the client based upon services offered herein.For Spells, Enchantments & Charms, Manifestation Timing Relies Upon The Initial Energy In The Matter, Number Of Obstacles Present At The Onset Of The Casting & State Of Mind Of The Client During Energy Workings! When working with us, you agree to adhere to the Will of God and understand fully that you will receive results accordingly and in your best interest. Autumn Mist's spells are of the most powerful professional spells offered in the world today! Extremely high rate of success! Highest in the Business! Tarot Readings are for entertainment, insight and guidance. Future predictions are subject to change by the will of God and the client.